In the following we describe the installation of the ARQ Java SPARQL engine under Windows: 1.) Make sure that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from is installed 2.) Download ARQ v2.6.0 from (zip-archive) 3.) Unzip the ARQ archive, e.g. to C:\ARQ-2.6.0 4.) Next, you have to adjust your Windows environment variables. 4a.) Create a new environment variable called ARQROOT with value C:\ARQ-2.6.0. 4b.) Add all jar files in the ARQ lib directory (in our setting: C:\ARQ-2.6.0\lib) to your CLASSPATH Variable. For instance, if ARQ has been unzipped to directory C:\ARQ-2.6.0, the CLASSPATH variable must be extended as follows: ;\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\antlr-2.7.5.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\arq-extra.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\arq.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\commons-logging-1.1.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\concurrent.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\icu4j_3_4.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\iri.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\jena.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\jenatest.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\json.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\junit.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\log4j-;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\lucene-core-2.0.0.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\stax-api-1.0.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\wstx-asl-3.0.0.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:\ARQ-2.6.0-beta\lib\xml-apis.jar 5.) Open a shell (command line) and change into directory C:\ARQ-2.6.0\bat. 6.) To test your installation, you might copy the files persons.rdf and q17a.rdf into the directory C:\ARQ-2.6.0\bat and evaluate the query on top of the example document using the command > arq --query q17a.rq --graph persons.n3